Home > *TEACHING TIPS: Modules for successful teaching and building positive relationships! (Phone docks here!)
*TEACHING TIPS: Modules for successful teaching and building positive relationships! (Phone docks here!)

Go into the classroom ready with these ideas of how to maintain your classroom, organize your paperwork, and have a successful first week and year.
From these tips, you will develop your own style and have an excellent head start on the journey of teaching.
First Year Teacher Tips give new teachers a smoother road by filling in the 'pot holes' on the road to great teaching. It is no longer necessary for new teachers to wait three years to know how to use a seating chart for classroom discipline, how to recognize and eliminate problems at the doorway, tips on documentation, and much more! Veteran teachers can use these tips to sharpen their look and skills with students. Walk the Talk!
The Starting School packet will give a teacher a check list of all that needs to be done BEFORE the school year starts. Also included in this packet are examples of seating charts, room arrangement, expectations (rules) for students , and steps on how to have the most successful first day of school! These tips get new teachers off to a great start and the First Year Teaching Tips keep the momentum going through out the year!
The third module that will help make the road for teachers smoother: Successful Subs and Student Trips! This module provides steps and tips on how to continue success when you are out of the classrrom.
Available now!
Conquering the T.U.R.D. This module deals with the more challenging student(s) that can Terrorize, Undermine, are Rude, and Disrespectful. Even though the other three modules deal with prevention and elimination of most classroom problems, there are times when a student's chronic behavior can disrupt the learning atmosphere or you have been blessed with a class that has a bad chemistry with each other. This module provides great tips and ideas on how to turn these students or classes around.
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