Lesson Plan Templates using Star's Notes
Most teachers find that designing a lesson plan for each class is one of the most time-consuming parts of the job. However, a good plan helps to prepare you for what you will teach. It gives you a class outline to follow, ensures you won’t forget anything important, and gives you all the information, facts, and figures you need to teach a class.
Star's Note Modules are aligned with curriculum and National Health Science standards. These will save you so much time. Just print and teach. You will no longer have to stay up till the wee hours of the morning re-inventing the wheel. You have great lesson right here that you can be successful with and build on, Proven over and over in the classroom!:
•All the resources and ideas you need to create dynamic lesson – even if you have never taught before. With the Starla's notes and Hands-On Body System activities, you will get the facts, projects, flashcards, information, teaching tips, templates, and tools you need to create great classes – each time.
•All the resources, ideas and tips you need to create a lesson plan faster than you ever dreamed possible. Since Starla’s modules offers everything for your next class in one place, you will save countless hours of research and planning.
•Ways to reduce free time or idle time from your lessons. Starla’s notes, activities, classroom management, and study skills offers practical tips and tools for eliminating distracting free time from your class. With these resources in Starla’s Creative Teaching Tips, you will not have to stand by helplessly as your students take a break during class, taking up teaching time.
•Ways to strengthen your lessons each day. Starla’s modules offers tips and tools that grow with you, so that you can use these resources again and again to become a better teacher.
•Ways to communicate more effectively with your class. Starla’s Teaching Tip modules offers practical strategies and classroom-tested tips for improving communication. With the tricks and tips, you will be able to help your students understand each lesson more clearly and fully. Her tips will even make your classes fun and protect teaching time, so that students will enjoy learning with you!