Large Student Phone Dock

Product Description
These are the same as the regular size phone dock (the regular phone docks are going to be discontinued at this end of 2018). These phone docks will hold all sizes of phones even the 'hybrids' of phone & tablet (a.k.a. 'phablet').
If a student has this type of phone, they can remove the regular phone dock from the Velcro on their desk, and place the larger dock on the Velcro for their device. A good idea when ordering would be to have 80% of the larger docks on hand to change out with your regular docks.
This strong case comes with the Velcro strip to anchor to the right or left side corner of the desk.
As stated with the regular docks, class begins with students 'Loading and Locking' (pull the case off the Velcro, open the case, and place their cell phone face down in the case, and snap the case shut, return to the Velcro strip to anchor the phone)and then begin the academic task directed to them from the board.
Students seem at ease being able to see their cell phone, yet keeps them from using the phone without your permission. If the phone rings or makes a noise notification, so be it. It is safe in the phone dock.
Students can ask to take their phone out of the dock to use in the class under your direction. To open the dock, they have to unlock the case by removing the dock from the Velcro, push in the side to unlock the case, remove the phone. Once the phone has been used for classroom purposes only, the phone is placed back into the dock.
This method allows students to use their cell phones for classroom purposes only, protects them from having their phone knocked off the desk, eliminates them from 'sneaking' to use their cell phone, and helps you and the student to know that their phone is safe.
The price includes the dock, Velcro strip, and shipping & handling.