Hands-On Body Systems: Facial Anatomy Kits

Product Description
The Kit comes with the following:
SKULL (This skull is about the size of a baseball. It has an eight part brain inside. You can use this brain in lab practicals or give as a gift to the highest grade on an exam! Ha!)
CLAY (Enough clay to build both sides and a tooth. Clay colors are Terra Cotta, Ivory, Yellow, White, Red, Blue, and an extra color for the eye color! This clay is a plastalina clay that does not dry out and can be used over each year after 'Funeral Day', which is a review and break down to get the kits ready for the next class.)
CLAY TOOL (If you are selective, let me know if you would like a #5 or #17.)
COFFEE STIRRER (We use this to give the Parotid gland a glandular appearance.)
STORAGE CONTAINER WITH ATTACHED LID The skull and all the kits components will fit easily side. These kits stack to save space and are clear to see the contents.
DIRECTIONS for long term kit care ('Hall of Fame' and 'Funeral Day')
Each kit is $44.97 with $5.50 shipping and handling per kit. For ease of ordering, I've combined these together for one price.
1. You can order here on the web site and list in the 'comments section' the address you want your kits shipped and the department or person to assign attention. I will email your UPS confirmation number so you can track your kits.
2. You can call me at 806-787-6018 and order with me over the phone using your credit card.
3. You can send a Purchase Order to me by email at sewan15@yahoo.com or mail the PO to PO Box 6751, Lubbock, TX 79493.
You will have a great time using these kits and the Hands-On Body System: Facial Anatomy activity!
Fantastic and affordable success with students learning Anatomy in a way they will never forget!!