Hands-On Body Systems ACTIVITY: Kidneys Made Easy and the Adrenal Connection

Product Description
This module empowers students with body system lessons that are proven to increase student learning and application of material, help make difficult content easier to learn, and can be immediately implemented into medical skills and terminology…and they are affordable!
This module contains many fun & successful teaching tricks by having students build the major components of the nephron and adrenal gland.
This is a fun module that brings the Renal System and Adrenal Glands into a more understandable lesson for students to understand and apply to fluid and hormone changes in the body. This module also brings in the interrelationship with the Cardiovascular system with activities for students to understand the renal cleaning of the blood and renal influence on blood pressure.
This activity can be used at the end of the cardiovascular system unit. Many times, the kidneys are briefly mentioned in a school year, because we run out of time to get to the Renal unit as a whole. (After all, it is located at the end of the book.) This great pocket lesson covers important information for students and helps them to tie in the kidneys to the cardiovascular system. These two organ systems have a true co-dependence on one another for homeostasis. This activity will take about 4-6 class periods (one-hour classes) to complete from start to finish. You can include this activity as a lab grade. .
Students will love learning through this activity and will gain confidence in their ability to apply knowledge of the kidneys and adrenal glands to their daily life.
This module contains time frame, lesson plans, supply list, classroom organization, objectives/standards, and step-by-step building instructions with pictures.
The following is a list of the table of contents:
Lesson planning, Supplies, & Clay Technique.......pg. 3-6
Objectives and Standards……….pg. 7
I. Building the Nephron …….pg. 8-29
II. Adrenal Glands and the Nephron…..pg. 30-40
Grading and Honoring Your Students’ Work…pg. 41
(This Activity goes very well with the Star's Notes Module V: Endocrine. The Star's Notes Endocrine Module provides the content notes and flashcards.)